by Jo Reiner Widjaja
American, Indonesian, hey! Who said that we are bound to be limited in stereotypical styles in this fast paced world. We dare not say that a nation must stick with its native sense of savvy style, where we must put labels on classic and native aesthetics. Take S2VS, the new york based menswear fashion cradle whose head designer is an native Indonesian. Who has successfully embodies a true American sense of style in its clothing. Yes, you damn well heard me! An Indonesian native has successfully launched an uprising American brand that one day will surely take the world. Landing coveted features and many editorial reviews/spreads on magazines such as Amercian Harper's Bazaar, American NYLON Guys, American Instyle, TimeOut New York, and even a feature in fashionisto.com
Gaya ala Amerika, gaya ala Indonesia, hei! Siapa yang berkata bahwa kita semua harus terpaku dengan pandangan kolot stereotipe dunia? Terutama di dunia yang bergerak begitu cepat. Kami pun tidak dapat berani berkata bahwa sebuah negara memiliki keharusan untuk selalu berjiwa nasionalis/etnik dalam pilihan bergaya. Dimana kita harus me-label-kan diri kita dengan gaya etnik yang klasik. Ambil S2VS sebagai contoh; sebuah label baju lelaki yang berbasis di New York ternyata justru dimulai dan di dalangi oleh seorang muda mudi Indonesia. Benar! Designer-nya adalah seorang muda-mudi Indonesia. Dengan label yang begitu menjanjikan, koleksinya pun sudah di liput oleh majalah-majalah bergengsi seperti: Harper's Bazaar US, Instyle US, Nylon Guys US, TimeOut NY, dan bahkan fashionisto.com
Its designer and founder, Sean William Salim formed S2VS in the Spring of 2007 just as he was graduating from Parsons School of Design. Its first season was so hyped that it resulted in its first collection being picked up by 2 stores in Tokyo and 3 other stores in the US. His philosophy is that clothes have to be as down-earth as possible whilst being timeless at the same time. No wonder these babies was sported by Mr.Zach Efron himself in Instyle magazine. The clothes are genuinely badass in style as they are genuinely twilled with high quality strands. Sean's credo is that clothes must always be high in its quality and as it is affordable. With that uber awesome credo S2VS is brave enough to say that their collection has the lowest price and the highest quality goods in the international market. A true visionary pioneer. We surely are proud to see such a cut throat and visionary artist comes from an Indonesian decedent.
Sang designer/ founder adalah pria bernama Sean William Salim. Beliau membentuk S2VS di musim Spring 2007 ketika dia baru saja lulus dari Parsons School of Design. Koleksi pertamanya begitu hyped sehingga 2 toko di Tokyo dan 3 toko di Amerika secara langsung membeli koleksinya. Filosofi yang dibawa oleh Sean, ialah bahwa pakaian harus se-down to earth sebisa mungkin, pada saat yang bersamaan harus timeless. Tidak heran jikalau pakaiana kreasinya dikenakan bahkan oleh Hollywood heartthrob Zach Efron. Visi dan credo dari Sean ialah bahwa pakaian harus selalu memiliki kualitas tinggi tetapi juga selalu harus mengharagai daya beli konsumen, oleh karena itu pakaian harus selalu affordable. Dengan visi dan credo yang begitu berani, tidak heran jikalau kita begitu bangga dengan individu Sean William Salim ini. Seorang visionary pendobrak pasar yang akan selalu membanggakan nama Indonesia.
Models displaying S2VS Spring Summer 2010 Presentation at Grand Soho
Image Courtesy of Steven Chu Studio
For its Fall Winter 2011 collection, S2VS shows a very minimalistic yet earthy tone look. Playing with monochromatic trench coats and nylon winter jackets and vest. Tailored tapered pants also dominate the seasons style and trends. It definitely is a raw urban style by S2VS. The kind of awesome looks that's put together without looking to dandy and styled.
S2VS Fall Winter 2011 Collection
Image Courtesy of S2VS
Sean William Salim
Nough said guys! We are definitely a creature with chameleon like traits, where we have to have the ability to explore styles and hypes. Awesome ain't it? A careless look that would still steal the spotlight without looking to dandy. You can find their products on INDUSTRI (Kemang Raya Selatan). Or if you happen to be in China: Shanghai and Chengdu S2VS flagship stores, or if you're in Malaysia: Wonderland Hillpark, or if you're in Singapore: Actually Seah Street.
It will be a sin not to share the savviness of these indie talents with the rest of the world.
So. Feel free to explore.exploit.and express your brain out.
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