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by Jo Reiner Widjaja


It was a loft-like space, demure colors of white and light cream parquets dominates the room, and a sense of sheer chills and rad style was in the air, the Nikicio Fall Winter 2012 Mixte collection show is about to start. A ridiculously amount of mad-style people have already started arriving, filling in all the white chairs minute by minute from Fahrani Empel, Alexsander Siregar, Leonard Theosabrata, to Cynthia Wirjono and many more attended this cult-like event. Editors, bloggers, models all pays tribute to another monumental presentation by Nina Nikicio herself whilst being swept away by hypnotic tunes courtesy of DJ Innoceroze (dare we say it; Nina's current lover). Yes it was an event like no other, people stood in line to be escorted in, and we are there to report it all. Girls in black fitted outfits escorted us to our seats, they seemed a little bit more mature than what a typical Nikicio's girls usually look like, they dressed in a subtle refined style rather than in the urban street wear vibe that we usually identify them as. As soon as we enter the space we noticed a DJ booth standing in the middle of the room with a placard uttering the label name 'Nikicio' hanging above it, guests are greeted by sweet treats of macarons and cream cake delights in a ocean-like colors courtesy of iscaketory, and a generous gift bag filled with Clara Magazine, Nylon Magazine, and the current lookbook for Nikicio's Mixte; WAR! collection was also there to greet us. People in exciting outfits whilst mingling with one another were interviewed by reporters of various magazines and television station,  we were photographed at full capacity, chatters and laughs were in the atmosphere with an  upbeat tune in the background playing, not long after that the show started, with a greet from Leonard Theosabrata.  

Dalam kehiruk-pirukan bincangan dan lantunan musik upbeat yang ada, ruangan bernuansa loft tersebut telihat jelas telah dipenuhi oleh antusiasme para tamu yang telah hadir. Menantikan debut koleksi musim gugur Mixte 2012, ruangan kecil yang didominasi warna putih dan cokelat krim muda tersebut telah dipersempit oleh keberadaan beragam media dan pecinta lini berkenamaan Nikicio tersebut, lini yang sesaat lagi  akan meluncurkan koleksi bertajuk; War. Sejumlah besar individu ternama pun telah berdatangan untuk acara pagelaran mode tersebut dimulai dari Fahrani Empel, Alexander Siregar, Leonard Theosabrata, hingga Cynthia Wirjono, dan banyak tamu kenamaan lainnya hadir untuk memberikan salut terhadap peluncuran koleksi terbaru Nina Nikicio. Sesaat setelah kami hadir di venue kami pun dapat menyaksikan sejumlah individu berpakaian serba hitam, wanita-wanita tersebut pun mempersilahkan dan menuntun kami ke bangku kami masing-masing, The Nikicio Girls itu-lah bagaimana kami menyebut wanita-wanita tersebut, di dalam setiap pagelaran modenya Nina selalu meminta sejumlah wanita ini untuk berpakaian ala Nikicio, tetapi entah mengapa pada kesempatan ini mereka terlihat berpenampilan lebih dewasa dari sebelumnya yang acap kali terlihat lebih muda dengan pakaian street wear mereka. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu semakin banyak tamu berdatangan, mereka datang dengan segala pesona ragam susunan pakaian yang mereka kenakan, mereka berbincang seiring diabadikan dalam foto, dan mereka pun menyicipi berbagai jenis sajian manis dari iscaketory. Sesaat kami menjumpai kursi kami, kami pun disambut oleh sebuah parcel bag berisikan berbagai eksemplar majalah mode, seiring kami bersilaturahmi dan berbincang, kami pun kemudian disambut oleh Leonard Theosabata,yang menandakan bahwa pertunjukan akan segera dimulai.  

The show started with an all white ensemble, studded denim shorts paired with a white leather biker jacket, and what seemed to be a white chiffon shirt, the look were accessorized with the models in a very regal emotion, their strut and look was masculine and chilled, the idea was very clear; a strong and statement walk to represent a strong and statement collection. Moreover the idea has even come across to the make up, the make up were natural but we were able to see that they have conceal a part of the models eyebrow and then they arched it a little further, to create this very rough and masculine look, almost all of the models have a perfectly straighten hair which at some point they all look like Nina herself or at least, a rendition of her alter ego as this dark and masculine creature. The feel that is felt through out the entire collection were; strong, subtle, mature, statement pieces, with a masculine appeal. As the show progressed the color scheme of the collection changes from white, to dusty grey, a hint of blue, and black. We were also satisfied by Nikicio's (now infamous) black water prints which is inspired by Evelyn Pritts 'Ocean Waves', and several hint of blue plaid prints, the pieces are destined to be a cult trend, biker jackets, distressed denim, and silk blazers and vest were seen, the look that will also rock the trend is the sleeveless look, from silk shirts, to biker jackets, to the leather vest all seem to embodies a sleeveless trend. We might we say that we are completely in awe with the idea of these 'sleeveless' look Nina tried to project, especially when it is incorporate with that ultra rad black water prints, some are also incorporated with a metallic materials that are almost holographic. Other than giving us uber cool jackets, blazers, and vest, Nina also gave us a lot of shorts, and tailored pants with printed trimmings and hemline, other than that we also see a lot of top hang awkwardly on the body, making the pieces very niche and desirable.  Staying true to the concept of Mixte, the collection feels so androgynous, from a straight cut tailored silk pants in prints, to an oversized 'Hell is Empty' t-shirts, it all seems so urban and masculine chic!   

Tampilan pertama yang diperlihatkan merupakan sebuah outfit yang terdiri dari susunan pakaian berwarna serba putih, sebuah biker jacket berdetail zipper putih dipadukan dengan sebuah celana denim berdetailkan studs, yang dipasangkan dengan kemeja berbahan chiffon putih. Penampilan yang ada terlihat begitu segar dengan daya tarik klinis yang diberikan terutama ketika para model yang ada berjalan dengan raut wajah yang regal dan dengan alur jalan yang begitu kuat dan maskulin, seluruh penampilan tersebut memberikan tanda awal bagi nuansa koleksi yang akan dipersembahkan Nina. Kuat. Maskulin. Dan memberikan pernyataan. Tata rias wajah para model pun merefleksikan nuansa tersebut, tata rias alamiah tetapi diberikan sedikit daya tarik oleh alis yang diperpanjang dan dipertajam dan hampir seluruh peragawati yang ada memiliki rambut yang diluruskan, hal ini membuat sehingga seluruhnya terlihat menyerupai Nina Nikicio sendiri, atau setidaknya sebuah interpertasi dari Nina Nikicio sebagai mahluk kuat yang maskulin. Strong, subtle, mature, statement pieces, with masculine appeal itulah yang kami rasakan. Dan seiring pertunjukan berjalan, skema warna dari koleksi Nina pun berganti, dari putih, hingga ke abu-abu kelam, sedikit sentuhan biru, hingga menjadi kehitaman, kami pun dipuaskan oleh pola prints yang disajikan oleh Nina, pola air berwarna hitam dengan sedikit pola plaid berwarna kebiruan gelap. Potongan-potongan pakaian yang ada seakan begitu hidup dalam tren, biker jackets, distressed denim, dan blazer berbahan sutra dan rompi sutra terlihat dalam koleksi ini. Tren yang telihat pun merupakan penampilan 'tanpa lengan' atau sleeveless yang terlihat pada jaket, dan rompi yang ada. Tren lain yang terlihat merupakan berbagai celana yang telah dijahit sempurna, dan berbagai celana pendek dengan trimming bercorak 'dark water' pun hadir.


'War' is the concept that Nina tried to uphold in this collection, the embodiment of pieces that will empower women with the strength of how she herself is willing to go to war, in defense of her stance and of romance, but most importantly of her existence. Nina has successfully  renounce and consume herself with femininity of puristic nature, which generates from such fine interpretation of clinical jackets, and asymmetrical top pieces in knit, wool, and silk. All the pieces were also presented in pairing with an out of this world eyewear by Cast Eyewear; a line of shades with model Fahrani Empel as the creative director. At the same time the clothes are also paired with wedges and heels in all forms and colors; black, dusty grey, and dark blue. It was a celebration at a glorious scale, and it seems obvious where the inspiration of 'war' comes from; everyday many women dress in confusion and pressure, whether the clothes will make them look better or not, be it physical, emotional, or imaginary, a war is a war. And to answer that state of troublesome 'war of fashion' Nikicio provides an answer, with her signature of effortless chic every piece makes a statement,  it made everything in pair looks fashion forward and now women would not have to worry for with minimum effort they are able to look their best. May what you have on your back, in all honesty, bring you victory. 

'War' merupakan konsep yang Nina usung pada koleksi ini, sebuah koleksi yang dapat mejadi perwujudan energi semangat bagi wanita untuk dapat maju dan berperang, willing to go to war, in defense of her stance and of romance, but most importantly of her existance. Nina dapat dikatakan telah berhasil dalam mendeklarasikan dan menbiarkan dirinya dikonsumsi oleh sisi feminim yang murni, dimana hal ini terlihat dan muncul dari sisi klinis pakaian yang ditampilkan dan dari pakaian asimetris dengan berbagai bahan seperti; rajutan, wol, sutra. Seluruh pakaian yang ada dipersembahkan dengan aksesoris kacamata hitam yang begitu edgy karya Cast Eyewear. Pertunjukan ini merupakan sebuah perayaan besar dan telihat dengan jelas dimana inspirasi yang ada berasal banyak wanita sering kali merasa tertekan dalam kebutuhan mereka untuk berpakaian dan mereka pun bergulat dalam 'pertempuran' tersebut, be it physical, emotional, or imaginary, a war is a war. Dan untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut Nikicio pun menawarkan keahliannya dalam menciptakan pakaian yang terlihat begitu chic dengan usaha yang minimal sehingga setiap wanita dapat berpakaian dengan daya tarik yang memikat tanpa harus bersusah payah. May what you have on your back, in all honesty, bring you victory. 




It's a sin not to share the savviness of these indie talents with the rest of the world.

So. Feel free to explore.exploit.and express your brain out.

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