by Jo Reiner Widjaja
"a coolness injection to our retail culture and for making Jakarta into the prominent symbol of Indonesian's youth and mod aesthetic in urban style"
GOOD news? Yes sir! The Goods Department; Indonesia's pioneering curated department store highlighting on local designers and indie fashion label is back in business with a new home in Jakarta's prominent high-end retailer mall Pacific Place (The Goods Department Pacific Place). And we got the exclusive peek on the whole look of the place, bringing up that cool vibe yet once again the new location of this rad conjunction place of local brands brought us back that industrial feel atmosphere that we love so much. From an exposed black brick wall, to concrete counters with wood paneling, and built-in wood racks, dimmed lighting, and an exposed ceiling this place is the epitome of satisfaction for Jakarta urbanite that long for a loft like industrial space that only existed in places such as; in New York posh Soho loft, or at one of NY's down town designers showroom. Yes, it is a rendition of industrial NY loft mixed with Indonesian retail culture and tradition of shopping in mall. And may we thank the great minds behind The Goods Department for their effort in satisfying our need for a coolness injection to our retail culture and for making Jakarta into the prominent symbol of Indonesian's youth and mod aesthetic in urban style, great minds such as; Anton Wirjono, Leonard Theosabrata, Cynthia Wirjono, and, Chris Kerrigan. So let us return your favor by saying it is GOOD to see you again.
GOOD news? Yes sir! The Goods Department; pioneer akan konsep toko departmen berkurasi arahan gaya, yang mengedepankan desainer lokal dan merek fesyen independen lokal sudah kembali berbisnis dinaungan rumah mereka yang baru. Bertempat di Pacific Place mall Jakarta, The Goods Dept PP atau Pacific Place telah kembali dan memanjakan kita semua pecinta gerakan industri fesyen lokal dengan daya tarik yang telah menjadi gaya kenamaan mereka. Ya, gaya industrialis yang cool tersebut dibawa kembali dengan penampakan store yang sangat bersifat sederhana dengan segala penggunaan inspirasi ruang loft layaknya yang sering dijumpai di kota New York, dinding batu bata yang dicat warna hitam, dengan meja counter berbahan concrete , berserta panel kayu dan rak berbahan kayu dihiaskan dengan permainana lampu yang gelap menjadikan tempat ini sebagai pemuas keinginan para kaum urban Jakarta untuk suatu konsep retail yang berbeda dan baru, suatu suntikan dan injeksi akan 'coolness' yang memenuhi kebutuhan warga Jakarta untuk pernyataan diri kita semua sebagai kapital dunia mode Asia. Terntunya ketika berbicara akan kepiawaian dan keberhasilan arahan kreatif ini, kami harus selalu mengingatkan para tokoh dibalik The Goods Dept yaitu; Anton Wirjono, Leonard Theosabrata, Cynthi Wirjono, and Chris Kerrigan. All we can say is; it is GOOD to see you again.
As with the previous location, The Goods Department will also house The Goods Cafe, a casual eatery attached to the store. Where chef Arlene Susanto will be cooking up a variety of light dishes that are perfect for leisurely break from shopping or a quick bite to grab and go. Along with new dishes, customers will be able to order some of The Goods Cafe classics such as; the tomato soup with raisin walnut grilled cheese, or the infamous Bailey's Milkshake, and the ever popular Alma's rainbow cake. The Goods Cafe at The Goods Dept Pacific Place is due to open in early August, 2012. And the excitiment doesn't stop there! There will also be a webstore! Yes. The Goods Dept is planning to launch their web store after opening up their Pacific Place store. They are also planning to open up a new flagship store at Pondok Indah Mall 2 by late 2012.
Sama layaknya dengan lokasi mereka yang lalu, The Goods Dept akan juga kembali dengan The Goods Cafe. Sebuah konsep cafe kasual yang hadir di dalam lokasi The Goods Dept itu sendiri! The Goods Cafe akan hadir kembali di awal Augustus ini dengan menawarkan berbagai macam pilihan menu favorit seperti tomato soup dengan raisin walnut grilled cheese, atau the infamous Bailey's Milkshake, dan the ever popular Alma's rainbow cake. Pilihan makanan ini di desain secara khusus untuk memanjakan kebutuhan anda untuk beristirahat sejenak sesaat berbelanja atau jikalau anda berkeinginan untuk menyantap makanan ringan untuk di bawa pulang. Tidak hanya itu, The Goods Dept pun akan menluncurkan sebuah webstore! Ya, a newly designed web store that will be launch after the opening of the Pacific Place location. Selain itu mereka pun berencana untuk membuat lokasi kedua yang berletak di Pondok Indah Mall 2, dan akan dibuka pada akhir tahun 2012.
It's a sin not to share the savviness of these indie talents with the rest of the world.
So. Feel free to explore.exploit.and express your brain out.
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